March 28, 2019

Working in Your Zone of Genius Takes Clarity and Consistency - Jay Black & Co - Online Business Manager

There are few things better than the way time flies past when you’re working in your zone of genius. Everything clicks into place; everything flows. This is where your vision meets your natural skills, where you feel inspired and energized.

Much like us, we’re sure it’s discovering that zone that helped you take the leap and become an entrepreneur. You knew that you could go beyond your zone of excellence, which always works on other people’s needs, to build a business where you can help other people get inspired daily.

Being a coach, we know you’ve got plenty of passion, as well as the skills. So working in your zone of genius should be no problem, right? We’ve all heard the term; we’ve all done it. But what does it mean for a solopreneur with no team and a growing client list? This is when the to-do list starts to grow, and you seem to inch further away from the zone of genius that got you here in the first place.

But working outside your zone of genius leads to stagnation and demotivation, for both you and your team. Your business will suffer if you, its owner, don’t feel the magic. It’s important to understand that to be successful you need clarity and consistency in all that you do.

To start with, you have to be clear about who you serve. Constantly cycle back around to why you wanted to be a coach in the first place; then evoke why you wanted to start your own business. In the day-to-day running of the business, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture as you try to keep things on track. But if you’re not clear on your vision and goals, you can’t achieve them or communicate them to your team.

It’s OK to be honest with yourself when you feel like you’re struggling with finding clarity. It’s also 100% OK to take the time for yourself to find your clarity, particularly if it’s going to help you get back to that zone of genius. It’s more than just OK: it’s essential.

Delegate or outsource those low-impact activities that aren’t in your zone. After all, that’s why you hired those ideal team members or your online business manager! Remember your team wants to work for a business whose owner shows up with enthusiasm and inspiration; give them this, and they’ll repay you in kind.

Regular check-ins with your team, your clients and other women in business will also help you keep that clarity of passion that inspired you in the first place. It’s revitalizing to bounce ideas off other people, and the simple act of communicating your vision can help fine-tune it.

Hand-in-hand with clarity comes consistency. As well as knowing who you serve, you need to be consistent in serving these ideal clients. That’s one of the reasons why those regular check-ins are so important: you learn more about how you can help them.

Working in Your Zone of Genius Takes Clarity and Consistency - Jay Black & Co - Online Business Manager

Showing up with consistency for your clients, your team and yourself is at the core of a successful business. Why? Well, at its simplest level, consistency means you’re reliable and trustworthy, things people look for in a coach. They can come to you knowing that you’ll put your all into helping them find their inspiration because that’s what you’ve done for them before. Having that reputation fuels your growth and ensures you are accountable.

But consistency is about more than just reliability. In acting with consistency, you’re forming habits (good ones, hopefully!). These habits naturally result in action. Taking action is key to the success of an entrepreneur. In building your own business, you cannot sit back and wait for things to happen. You have to act.

Consistency also means progress. After all, by repeating actions you constantly improve them, meaning that you’re the best version of what you want to be. You are dedicating yourself to growth, and that proves your value. It’s also a way of measuring your effectiveness. If you’re doing something at random, then there’s no way of seeing if it works or not – and this goes for your team as well!

So what does consistency have to do with your zone of genius? Well, the more consistent you are, the easier it will be to find that zone. You’ll get into the habit of honing your skills and making the time to focus on the tasks that energize and motivate you. You’ll also regularly revisit your vision, the ‘why’ of your business. This gives you the clarity you need to move forward; so you see how clarity and consistency are intrinsically linked.

As female entrepreneurs, we often feel the pressure to do it all, but ask yourself: who do you serve if you’re procrastinating outside your zone of genius? Why not invest in someone to help you with day-to-day tasks so you can focus on achieving your vision? To be the best for your clients and your team, it’s important to emphasize clarity and consistency in all your actions for your business.

About the author 

Jay Black

Jay Black is the CEO and the Funnel Queen at Jay Black & Company. Throughout her 14+ online career, Jay has helped various international coaches launch their 5, 6, and 7-figure coaching businesses successfully with simple and sustainable funnels. Jay is determined to focus her energies to fully and effectively help female entrepreneurs catapult their businesses to the next level.

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